Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Metropolis, Copenhagen

The new "Metropolis" apartment house at "sluseholmen" in Copenhagen, designed by "Future Systems" (UK) and "Kasper Danielsen Architects" (DK).
The building was originally supposed to be 60 meters tall, but because of smoke from the nearby H C. Ørsted power plant, it will only be 40. Since the power plant will be closed down in four or five years, the architects are toying with the idea of building a module that could be placed on top of Metropolis at a later date.
Future Systems:
Kasper Danielsen Architects:

Progress #6

see earlier post for more details.

Wednesday, August 06, 2008

Palast der Republik

The demolision of "Palast der Republik" in Berlin is almost finish. This is now all that remains of an important building in german history. And soon it will be all gone
Link to webcam:

Berlin Streetart. July '08